Sunday, September 10, 2006

What I Learned This Week: Forgiveness

Oh boy. This is a tough one. My husband said to me this week, "You're such a bitter person." Ouch. Okay. No one has ever said that to me before. Leave it to our husbands or closest friends to lay it out there for ya! Well, that got me thinking. Thankfully, I didn't blow that comment off (like I'm so likely to do when my husband criticizes me and I get mad and can't see past the hurt and madNESS!).

I asked myself, "Am I bitter?" Maybe. More hurt than bitter, I think...but it may be showing itself to others as bitterness. Ouch, again. That's an awful word really. People can call me moody or impatient or opinionated, but bitter. That doesn't set well with me. I don't like that title and don't want that title.

But, ONCE AGAIN, my husband is right, I think (don't you just hate that?!), and so a little self-examination went on within me this week. I'm finding it VERY hard to forgive my former work colleague and move beyond what he did to me (although it was to the Army, but I taking it personally). Thus here I am in bitterville because I can't forgive. AND, wouldn't you know, God keeps bringing this guy into our lives (Stan and I) as if to say, "I'm not finished with him yet, and you shouldn't be either."


Let me back up...
...there was a time some months ago (around April) when Stan and I thought there would be three in this partnership and talked at length about how we could be real instruments of the Holy Spirit in this man's life. We were humbled and excited about being positive influences in his life...we were all going through this tragedy together (losing our jobs) and Stan and I were determined to be witnesses to God's mercy and faithfulness in the midst of all this and beyond. Which we were, but then our colleague took a turn to the dark side, and Stan and I were so hurt by this that we backed off completely.

And now these months later the hurt is still there and I can't forgive. Not yet...I believe God is still working on me and this week is the latest in the healing process. I don't expect this to happen overnight, but I've traveled very far in one week. I find that odd things strike me very deeply and then I realize I'm still hurting and still healing.

For example, Stan and I were given the opportunity to go to our former studios and pick out whatever furniture was left (there wasn't any) and put a bid in on it. I found that I couldn't go....had to ask Stan to do it alone. When he called me to explain what happened, I had to stop him cold as he started to describe all that was missing in the rooms. I didn't and couldn't hear that.

Another example...
... went to lunch with a couple from the office and they started telling Stan and me who was now in our offices...I was sick to my stomach and could barely listen...I was severely depressed the rest of the day and cried when I got home.

So, it's still fresh. But, I'm learning to forgive...don't know if I'm there yet. Today at church the pastor said, "God does big things in response to our small steps." I believe that to be true. Though forgiving in this situation is a huge step for me on one level, it is a small one in truth.

God forgives. God forgives all.

When I think about all the people Jesus met when He walked this earth, I know He came across many who thought He was a kook or a religious fanatic. Many probably told Him so to His face. Many hurled insults at Him...we know many did on the way to the cross. He forgave them all?

I can't even wrap my brain around that right now because I can't forgive someone who hurt me deeply....deeply. I saw evil there and all I want to do is stay away from that evil...not continue to be near it and minister to it! Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaattt?????? Crazy.

Christ forgives all. Have the relatives of those killed on September 11 forgiven? What about those families who have lost a son or daughter...husband/ Iraq by way of kidnapping...torture...senseless killing.

As we commemorate the 5th anniversary of 9/11...have we, as a nation, forgiven? Or are we still out for revenge? Is it possible to forgive such evil? God loves us all. He is the God of the Jew, the Muslim, and Christian. God loves. God is Love. God forgives.

So, I'm bitter my husband says. My hurt is coming out as bitterness according to him. I think I feel totally out of control of everything so I lash out in bitterness to feel like I'm controlling something. Dave and I had a huge blow up (I did anyway) about cutting down all the bamboo on the right side of our house. The house next door has been vacant for several years. The new owner has been "working" on it for that long. The landscaping...well there isn't any at the moment...he backhoed it all down...tress, shrubs, grass, bamboo (on his side of the property line) there's just a big gravel pit all around his house and there's just a thin layer of bamboo on our side to cover up the ugliness next door.

Now, all of a sudden Mr. Neighbor is back and has been "cleaning" up the place with another backhoe all weekend and asked if we wanted to use the guy to take down our bamboo. Dave thought it was a great idea! He felt it needed to get leveled so it could start again next spring fresh. Imagine! I went ballistic! It was that control thing. I needed to feel in control of at least the bamboo! since everything else in my life is spinning out of control.

I woke up again this week with insomnia and panicky about this whole business venture that Stan and I are in. Once again thinking...

"What the hell am I doing?"
"I can't do this."
"I'm not any good at this."

Oh boy.

I spoke to a friend of mine tonight who is going through a really tough time with her marriage. She's having a hard time forgiving her husband.

She said to me, "All this time I've been on the defensive. Claiming 'you've done this to me', 'you're the reason I'm miserable and have become physically ill,' 'it's your fault.' 'I've done nothing wrong,' 'you've hurt me beyond belief.' Just this week I've realized that I've not been acting Christ-like in this marriage. I've been bitter (there's that word!) and hurt and angry. All valid emotions, but the Lord told me this week that it is His job to handle my husband soul...I need to work on me and become forgiving and Christ-like in all my dealings."

Wow. That hit home to me. I certainly haven't been acting Christ-like to my former colleague. I've not been doing anything other than absolutely avoiding him like the plaque. I'm not being too hard on myself as I know working through the hurt is a process. But, I'm realizing that I can't stay there. How does one forgive? How do you feel it deep...and know it is going to stick?

Sure, in church this morning I felt as though I could do it. I felt good about myself. But, seeing him face to face...even potentially workin with him in the future...sigh. I don't know. It scares me. I mean, I don't want him to think all is forgiven... he needs to pay! I'm not going to let this go just like that! I don't want to work with someone who is dishonest and deceitful. Oh, wait...I do need to forgive him.

HA. This is going to be hard!

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